Meeting of the Naval Cooperative Association

30 October، 2019 / 09:23

Preparation board for the launch of the (under establishing ) maritime assembly held the second constituent meeting in the Intercontinental hotel in Jadda where he discussed many of the assembly's concern, thus naval engibeer Dr. AbdurRazzaq Hashim Almadani founder and and head of foundation council announced that the assembly's affairs and how to start as soon as the capital is -if God wished- were discussed. He began by thanking the attendace for their comming and interacting with the novelties and blessed issuance of the ministry of labour and social development aproval to start rasing the capital paving to obtain the final license if God wished. An elite of experts, consultants and business men who are the members of the costitutional assembly,like Dr.Makhfoor al Bishir,Dr. Faisal al ghamidi, eng. Dr. Aiman al Madani,Dr. Hasan A’nbar and Mr.Mohammad Iskandar,Mr. Khalid Tashqandi and eng. Ameen al Madani shared in the meeting,his highness urged the members to be endeavour for the rise of the assembly. In the end of the meeting he thanked all the attendance for being keen on supporting the assembly.

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